Are you ready? Let’s connect →

Performance coaching & online programs

Helping you create & live a balanced and fulfilling life you love.

Because you know you’re made for so. much. more.

But right now… you’re feeling overwhelmed, you’re unmotivated, procrastination has taken over, your to-do list feels never ending and you’ve got no idea how to get to where you want to be (not ideal).

You’ve lost your zest for life and don’t know how to get it back.
You’re a first class passenger on the struggle-town express and no matter what you try, you just can’t get off.

Sighing because you feel like someone finally just gets it?

It’s time to

Get the support you need to go from where you are, to where you want to be

And that looks different for everyone. For you, it might look like;

  • Creating habits that actually make a difference to your happiness
  • Getting clear & confident on who you are and what’s important to you
  • Finally doing the things you say you’re going to do
  • Structuring and living your version of a balanced life
  • Learning how to get more done in less time (so you can spend more time doing fun stuff)
  • Mapping out massive goals (the kind you don’t think are possible) & absolutely smashing them
  • Or just not dreading Mondays


Here’s what some of my coaching clients and workshop attendees have said:

Before working with Candice, I was experiencing…

“Procrastination, feeling like a complete failure, overwhelming doubt & imposter syndrome.”

“I was confused, no confidence, not motivated, negative, procrastinated a lot & disorganised.”

“Self-doubt, low self esteem, deep negative thoughts… My self worth was so low I couldn’t see a way beyond it.”

What I now see is possible that I didn’t before…

“I can actually do all the things I want to without going into a state of overwhelm. Decision making has become so much easier with the tools I’ve learnt.”
“The realisation of my ridiculousness. The simplicity of the solution once I recognised the problem.”
“I have a greater understanding of myself and how I can best operate to create a happy life. ”


Ready to see what’s possible for you with a bit of Candice Harvey by your side?

done with you

1:1 performance

Life’s good, but you want more. You want extraordinary & I don’t blame you!

This 1:1 coaching experience helps you design your dream life and is 100% personalised to you, your life, job, health, finances, relationships & mindset.

Whether you need help getting clear on who you are and who you want to be, structuring your time and living your version of a balanced life or want support to navigate a complete life and career overhaul, this is the place for you.

1:1 performance coaching includes:

  • Monthly 60-minute coaching sessions (face to face or online)
  • A Performance Coach in your pocket, with Voxer pep talks/mini coaching between sessions (Monday-Friday)
  • New trainings released monthly in our exclusive Facebook group

do it yourself


Sick and tired of feeling stuck, like you’re just plodding along through life? You’re not alone…

You know you’re capable of more and now, you’re ready to finally figure out what that is and how to achieve it.

You’re ready to create new habits (ones that actually work) and get crystal clear on what matters most to you so you can start creating and living a life you love (not one where you’re counting down the days ‘til Friday). Emphasis on the “living” part!

Peak St8 is the 8-week mindset shakeup you need to create balance in your life & habits that make a difference so you can start achieving more than ever before.

With practical, actionable steps at every stage, over 8 weeks you’ll:

  • SHAKE UP YOUR MINDSET - by defining what success actually looks like to you, clearing out the negative stories that are holding you back & removing negative self-talk from your vocabulary
  • GET TO KNOW YOURSELF - with a self-audit to see what’s working and what’s not so you can make positive changes, discover your values and what’s important to you now & figure out how you’re actually spending your time so you can be more intentional than ever
  • TAKE ACTION - and double your productivity, get more done in less time and make more time for fun, play and adventure by falling in love with your schedule & learn the 7 ways to achieve whatever you want in life (there’s no excuses after you master this bad boy!)

Most people know they want a balanced life that feels fun, fulfilled and easy, but they don’t know how to make it happen.

Peak St8 is how you make it happen.

done with you


Performance coaching & team workshops for productive businesses, happy people & happier profits.

Because your team’s good, but you know they’ve got an uncanny ability to be exceptional if they had the right tools.

And I know just the tool… *shoots hand up*

If a happy team that:

  • Achieves massive goals without breaking down in the toilets at lunchtime
  • Knows how to communicate effectively, like their life depends on it
  • Are less stressed (in and out of the workplace) and
  • Are 40x more productive (because they’re actually happy to be there)
is on your business wish list, pull up a seat – I’ve got just the thing…


“Peak St8 was a huge eye-opener for me. I realised I haven’t been living my life in alignment but I am so prepared to do the work now. I’m done with procrastinating & I’m ready to get the party started. Thank you for getting my arse into gear!”

Em – Teacher & Children’s Coach


“One of the great things about Peak St8 is that it’s never “done”. I still think about each session & what small and big actions I’ve changed daily to make my life better”

Katie – Senior Accommodation Officer


“Peak St8 was life changing! Making the time to work on me and the things I wanted to improve, with weekly prompts to make it happen. You don’t even realise you’re doing it until you reflect back on it”

Kylie – Marketing Business Owner

So legend,

Are you finally ready to start creating & living a life you love by doing something different?

What are you waiting for?! Book a free call and let’s get the ball rolling on making extra-freaking-ordinary changes in your life.

*commitment, pressure & obligation free – belly laughs guaranteed*

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