Are you ready? Let’s connect →

Performance coaching & team workshops

For productive businesses, happy people & happier profits

Your team’s good,

but you know they’ve got an uncanny ability to be exceptional if they had the right tools.

And I know just the tool… *shoots hand up*

If a happy team that;

  • Achieves massive goals without breaking down in the toilets at lunchtime
  • Knows how to communicate effectively, like their life depends on it
  • Are less stressed (in and out of the workplace) and
  • Are 40x more productive (because they’re actually happy to be there)
is on your business wishlist, pull up a seat – I’ve got just the thing…

“My clients always feel so inspired by Candice. She is amazing at what she does. She gets you to stop sitting on your goals and take action. Her energy is infectious and you can’t help but come away from time with her completely motivated and raring to go!”

Lucy Evans – LIFT

Team workshops

Increase your team’s performance, productivity & happiness-metre with a personal development workshop they’ll enjoy.

WARNING: Side effects of hanging out with Candice Harvey for too long (is there such a thing?!) include catching her high energy & enthusiasm, and a new found love of Mondays.

Increase your team’s



chaos to calm

Chaos to Calm

For teams feeling all kinds of:

  • Busy, overwhelmed & a little chaotic
  • Exhausted & unproductive
  • Unable to prioritise tasks

Your team will breathe easy, feel happier & get things done when they discover:

  • The 3 crucial steps to ditch overwhelm & get organised
  • What *not* to do when they’re exhausted and life & work feels chaotic
  • How to keep calm & be more productive than ever


strength fuelled future

Strength-Fuelled Future

Ready to unleash the power of your people?

Strength-Fuelled Future is the key to discovering the things your team are bloody good at (and enjoy doing) & how to use their skills to your advantage.

They’ll walk out feeling motivated as heck knowing their strengths, & you’ll enjoy:

  • A more engaged team who enjoy their work
  • Higher customer satisfaction (because happy teams = happy customers)
  • Increased productivity & profitability *cha-ching*

Increase your team’s



not done yet

Not Done Yet

(2-part workshop)

Inspire and motivate your team to aim high & start achieving their goals.

Not Done Yet teaches you the process of getting what you want by removing obstacles before they happen.

They’ll walk out feeling 100% capable with:

  • No excuses
  • A big important goal & a bulletproof way to achieve it
reboot reset refocus

Reboot, Reset & Refocus

Make every year the best year yet. Give your team the Reboot, Reset & Refocus they need to keep things exciting!

This is for the teams ready to raise their standards & create an energised workplace with:

  • New ways of thinking
  • A sense of self-responsibility
  • Inspiration & motivation
  • Recognising the differences that make your people great


happiness first

Happiness First

A happy team = a productive & successful team.

Happiness First is the shake up your team needs to get clarity & think differently.

We explore who they are now & who they want to be so they can start creating and living a life they freaking love (in & out of the workplace).

Extra side effects include:

  • A happier workplace
  • Increased productivity
  • Increased staff retention

Work as a team


discomfort is key

Discomfort is Key

  • Growth doesn’t happen in your comfort zone.
It’s time your team got clear on why getting comfortable with being uncomfortable is the only option to succeed in life and business.

This is for the teams ready to grow & work together with:

  • Seriously fun team activities
  • A challenge to practise feeling uncomfortable
  • A better team connection
know yourself

Know Yourself

Got a few… dynamic characters in your team?

Through DISC Behaviour Profiling, give your team the know-how they need to:

  • Understand traits & skills that don’t come naturally to them
  • Learn about themselves & others
  • Communicate & appreciate different kinds of personalities
Know Yourself is all about acceptance & a thriving team culture.
direct feedback

Direct Feedback

(for managers)

Know a good manager that wants to be a great manager? Does your team want to feel appreciated, trusted & heard?

This is a 2-hour session with your team (sans manager), followed by a 30-min debrief with me to chat behaviours to continue & improve.

Other side effects include:

  • A more enjoyable place to work
  • A team that’s comfortable giving feedback
  • Increased productivity
  • Increased staff retention


“If a business values their team and their engagement, working with Candice is a no brainer”

Scott Baker – Baker Advice Group


“There may be 10,226 miles separating us all that day but the feedback from all our delegates was fantastic. Candice brought our vision to life & delivered a thought-provoking & positive experience for the whole team”

Jo Scott – Kaplan (UK)


“Candice has held multiple workshops for the OzeIT team over the last 12 months & without a doubt, what the team has gained is invaluable. Her ability to communicate and involve everyone is out of this world”

Stephen Rice – OzeIT

Curious about

who I’ve presented team workshops for recently?

  • Department of Resources (QLD Government)
  • Retail & Corporate Travel Agency
  • IT Service Provider
  • Financial Planning & Business Advisory Group
  • Accountants
  • Digital Marketing Agency
  • Professional Education & Training Group
  • Mechanics
  • Personal Trainers
  • Career Consultants
  • Lawyers & Legal Practitioners
  • Real Estate Agents

Reckon your team

could do with a little more oomph, productivity & happiness in their lives?

To be crystal clear on what they want, where they’d headed and why. To figure out what they’re bloody good at (so they can keep doing more of that) and what’s most important to them. To start setting some huge scary ass goals and actually achieving them (self-esteem come at meee).

It’s about damn time!

candice harvey performance coach contactance coaching (1)