Are you ready? Let’s connect →

Oh hey, didn’t see you there…


Ex-HR professional, performance coach for businesses & employees, keynote speaker, fun-only workshop presenter & podcaster *exhale*.

Enjoys coffee dates (sans caffeine), bingeing other people’s stories & being one of *those* people… y’know, living life on my terms.

Inspired by the fear of being boring (oh, and plodding through life only to get to 80 & realise I could have done SO much more!).


Great Question!

I’m here to help you perform better than you’re performing now
(in & out of the workplace)

And you? You’re probably here because you (or your team) are feeling completely overwhelmed.

Physically and mentally exhausted, feeling stuck, bored and unsure all at the same time – boy do I know that feeling. But here’s the thing.

The overwhelm and mental exhaustion don’t just disappear overnight.

Your mojo, your oomph, your up & go – that doesn’t magically reappear.

You don’t wake up one day and suddenly start loving your life and your job.

Why? Because you’re missing the most important piece of your puzzle.

💎 Clarity (cute, huh? – not so cute when it’s MIA).

💎 Clarity on the what & why that’s holding you back from doing what you want.

💎 Clarity on who you are now & who you want to become.

Luckily for you, I’ve spent the last 17 years knee deep in human behaviour, learning, training, personal development coaching and putting all this *waves hands around* into action (for me and my clients).

Extracting the “what and why” and working with you to turn your dreams and goals into reality? That’s my idea of a good time.


This isn’t my first performance coaching rodeo, promise…

years people & performance experience

Working in HR & managing national teams globally. I’ve got my British & Texan accents downpat (just don’t ask me to prove it).

hours of 1:1 performance coaching

Helping directors, team leaders & employees reach their next level by creating and living a life they freaking LOVE!

corporate workshops & counting

Injecting humour, motivation & a-ha moments into workplaces to increase efficiency, creativity & confidence.

Peak St8 students

Simplifying & creating balance, shaking up mindsets, helping create a life you LOVE & actually getting people excited for Mondays!

Been there, done that!

Even though I was the energetic girl with the bubbly personality, I wasn’t always this lit up by life

I was also the unfulfilled, bored girl feeling stuck in a stuffy corporate office working a job I didn’t love. I dreaded Mondays.

I resisted personal development for a really long time. Because let’s be honest, coaching and personal development can feel a lot like court-ordered therapy sessions and in the end, if you haven’t put in the work, you achieve nothing.

But I knew something needed to change. I was sick of myself. I was sick of feeling like I was plodding through life and sick of feeling miserable at work and taking that home to my husband.

So I took a coaching course.

I know… the girl who’d resisted personal development for the longest time takes a coaching course. How ironic.

“That’s when things started to change. I gave myself & my life a complete shake up” – me

I did the personal development work. My confidence skyrocketed. I designed my dream life, started living it and actually enjoying every bloody moment (well, most of them).

I started making the most of my day at work and at home (even the great-crap days… the ones that feel crappy but are actually filled with absolute greatness).
And I finally got the promotion I’d been eyeing off, win-win.

Now, I get to change the lives of people like you, who are feeling just like I was.

Overwhelmed, miserable, unfocused, unmotivated & completely inefficient.
With an endless to-do list where everything feels like a priority (hint: it’s not).

You’re plodding through life, going through the motions with no idea what to do next… until now (spoiler alert… you don’t need to take a life coaching course).

You need to spend some time with Candice Harvey. Because I know exactly what works (and what doesn’t). PLUS your life will be a whole lot more freaking fun and exciting, guaranteed.

You’re. Welcome!

Let's shake things up!

Get the kick in the ass support you need to perform better than you currently are

(for businesses, employees & action-takers)


But make ‘em fun & engaging… Candice Harvey kinda workshops.

Team workshops are the injection of excitement, inspiration and motivation your workplace needs to up its productivity, confidence & communication.


Life’s good, but you want more. You want extraordinary and look, I don’t blame you!

This 1:1 coaching experience helps you design your best life and is 100% personalised to you, your life, job, health, finances, relationships & mindset.


Sick of feeling stuck & plodding along through life?

This is the 8-week mindset shakeup you need to create balance in your life & habits that make a difference so you can start achieving more than ever before.



How to make sure that your NEXT 90-days, are your BEST 90-days! 

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